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our labels

Each of our labels reflects the product inside. We like to think that the label should be both beautiful and appealing.


The salsas are called "Los dos Perros" after our two dogs that wander around the place - Skippy and Moseley.

pickled chiles

I wanted something typically colourful and culturally perfect for our pickles, so what better than the Quetzal bird.

garam masala

The elephant is one of many symbols of Indian culture, appearing in many pieces of Indian art.

fragrant madras curry mix

I chose the image of the Taj Mahal for two reasons. It's the iconic image of India and it's also the most popular name for many Indian restaurants in Britain.

thai mix

When many people think of Thailand, peace and harmony are often associated, so the image of the Buddha reflects this.


The 'Eye of Horus' is one of the many iconic symbols of Egypt along with the pyramids and Tutankhamun.

ras en hanoud

The Hand of Fatima is a symbol that appears in much of Moroccan art as well as a keyring hanging up in our house.


Ancho arbol kind of means "wide tree" so this image sums it up.


I wanted to include a Mexican cultural image in the labels, so what better than "El Santo" the most famous of all of the "luchadores mexicanos".

flor de mostaza

Sometimes people have no idea where their food comes from, so this flower, the mustard flower, shows where the product originates.

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